My daughter, Indigo, loves fancy cakes. A friend gave a me a book of fancily decorated cakes and Indi has loved it since she was a wee lass. This Christmas I found a book named "Hello Cupcake". It should have had Indigo's name written all over it. It was about how to create fancy cupcakes.
And we have begun out journey into fancy cupcakes (my longtime facvs). Indi's first pick was to make Panda Cupcakes. We had a lot of fun making and eating them.
For some info about cupcakes around Chicago, check my friend, Justin's blog: He's also an awesome photographer!
2 explorers in an expanding universe:
Wow- Indi- very cool,you did a great job!!! Anni says "me want to eat that" I think she likes it too!
Beck that is way too cute! I love her industriousness! A panda! And that link to the cupcake site is awesome.
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