I got a great deal on an electric razor scooter ($10) at a yard sale - very thrilling! The battery only holds a charge for - literally - 5 minutes but it was a fun 5 minute ride! My oldest daughter (Indi, 5) geared up with her bike helmet and I took her for a ride. She thought it was OK and wanted to get off. I think Ais (2 yrs) was roaring to go. Sorry Ais - like Maria in Sound of Music sang to Gretel: "wait a year or two."
So what does a curious person such as myself do when their awesome yard sale purchase isn't quite up to snuff? Fix it! Of course, I opened her up. There were two screws that weren't budging despite using penetrating oil (how cool am I to remember to use that!). I got lucky and was able to access the batteries under the footplate without removing the screws. For all you haters out there, yes I did get bitten -but just a small jolt. I touched the reset button from the charged side, unwittingly. Luckily removing the batteries was easy although I'm perplexed about how to separate the connectors without breaking the plastic receptor. ?? It's like something they only teach in the boys room.
Fortunately for me there is an old battery place just down the street: Illinois Battery. It's a shabby old building I've driven past a thousand times. I didn't even realize it is still in business. I didn't think I'd ever need a place like that! But the Razor Corporation was OUT OF STOCK on these rechargable batteries. Crazy. Good ol' Google to the rescue!
OK, so my $10 yard sale find is now a $60 investment. A new electric scooter retails for $350 - so I feel I'm still ahead of the game financially. And I feel like I'm fulfilling part of my destiny or at least playing to my strengths: courage and hard work.
All this open air cruising makes me hanker for a motorcycle again. I have the worst luck buying bikes tho. They always need so much expensive work!
Anyone got a decent bike they want to sell me? I've got the cash and am ready for the open road! Until then, I'm on a "thrill diet" - I'll have to survive with my low-power electric scooter until I get my own hog (or Japanese hog)! Woof!
*no duct tape was harmed in the course of this repair
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