Monday, April 7, 2008

Turpentine and Beer

Friday, April 4, 2008 marked the 4th Annual Plein Air Painters of Chicago Exhibit. For those of you new to this blog or out of the loop -- this is the second exhibition of my paintings - ever. The PAPC are my peeps and I was so excited to be part of the show. We sold $2600 of paintings on opening night - which I think is pretty good.

The show continues until April 13, 2008. Don't miss it.
On the party front, I want to give a huge shout out and thank you to Goose Island Brewery -- Chicago's Hometown Brewery - for donating mass quanities of free beer! That's right folks, there was literally a ton of free beer at our exhibit. There was a nice spread of food and wine too. Another huge thanks to Trader Joe's for donating snacks. They are always so generous. The house was packed to the rafters. The 3 hour exhibit flew by. I had a chance to greet and talk to many of my friends who attended (they Rock!) as well as a few fellow artists whom I had not yet met. If any of y'all are headed over to see these fantastic paintings of locations around Chicago, be sure to give me a shout - I'll give you a tour!

1 explorers in an expanding universe:

Laura S said...

Hey Beck!

It looks like the show went well. Congrats! You and your paintings look absolutely fabulous by the way :)